Tangled by Carolyn Mackler

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Book Summary and Comments:
Tangled brings together four teenagers to a Caribbean resort. At first only marginally interconnected, this novel reveals how actions we consider inconsequential can impact others. Told from four different viewpoints and taking place in four consecutive months, YA readers will enjoy the varying characters and how each one grows.

It can be argued that the four narrators are simply stereotypical shells of common YA literature personalities. Jena is the shy girl who would do anything for a boyfriend; Skye is the poor little rich girl whose beautiful looks, endless bank account, and acting talent are not enough to make her happy; Dakota is the jock with no regard for the people around him; and Owen is the nerd who is more comfortable in virtual reality than actual reality. Mackler, however, does a very good job of exploring these personas and explaining how each character came to acquire their unique personality traits. The events, dialogue, and interactions are descriptive and believable. This book addresses a lot of issues including depression, suicide, grief, sibling rivalry, self esteem, and more. Despite the fact that these topics can (and often do) merit complete novels all on their own, this one never felt as though it was taking on too much. By the end you will be rooting for all four of the main characters.

Reviewed by:
Miss Amy

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