Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

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Book Summary and Comments:
This novel tackles the controversial topic of teen suicide in a unique and insightful way. Clay Jenkins receives a package in the mail containing 13 cassette tapes. He soon discovers that each tape is made up of one reason why his classmate and crush, Hannah Baker, committed suicide only a few weeks earlier.

Asher deftly alternates between the present, which includes Clay's heart-wrenching reaction to the tapes, and the past, which follows Hannah's journey from popular freshman all the way to her decision to narrate the reasons behind her own suicide. Young adult readers will identify with many of the characters including Hannah; however, they will also notice the many times she failed to help herself.

Thirteen Reasons Why does not gloss over the often harsh realities of being a teenager. Every one of Hannah's reasons is believable. Clay's reactions are as authentic as they are sad. The author does an excellent job of detailing how someone's actions can have unforeseen effects on other people. Readers will find themselves thinking about this novel long after they finish reading.

Reviewed by:
Miss Amy

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